Current Update On Life
I graduated my degree last year, but not in law, neither software engineering. My trunk suddenly shifted to a new branch, allowing me to venture into something new again, which is Town Planning. Gambling with my choice, I just randomly chose Town Planning after I finished my Foundation in Law. I am not suggesting this to anyone, unless you are that kind of person; quickly adjust and adapt to new genre in your life.
I love this new field. Still circulating around law and software, but town planning got many more things to be incorporated together. Honestly, I was not really sure with this choice initially, but me being me, I just pushed myself to go through the new environment. Surely, there is a lot of drama within the journey, but what is life if it is not dramatic enough. And me being me, I always try to pull off everything I have decided to do in life in my best way. Sadly, I didn’t graduate with first class degree, just 0.05 behind. I cried, but I believe that is the result of my effort. I did not fully focused on my direction, I went astray so many times, hence, I should accept the result no matter what. Allah surely has planned the right thing for me. "They plan, and Allah plans. Surely Allah is the Best of Planners." -Quran 08:30
Just before I graduated, I have started working as a Town Planner. Finally, I am in my adulthood era, juggling around commitment and responsibility. (Got my own car, another commitment). I tried to escape the buying-car-at-young-age syndrome, but nothing can soothe my traffic-jam-stress while driving manual car. Living in Penang, public transportation is definitely the worst choice (at the moment), unless I stay around my workplace?
I know, and we all know, life is full of ups and downs, and I want to be able to ride that wave positively in my own way. And I am heading towards that, to a more meaningful life.