
I dont even know how to write this but Alhamdulillah, I got Tokoh Kokurikulum Sekolah. So this prize is presented during Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan. Every year tak pernah pun dapat apa-apa hadiah so I never attend Hari Anugerah at all. But finally, last year dekat sekolah I managed to get this. So, Alhamdulillah la even sekali, tapi pernah jugaklah.
By the way, Im so honoured to receive this Tokoh Kokurikulum as ramai lagi yang lebih layak. To be honestly, there are more students who are better in cocu than me. So, faham2lah. HAHAHAA.
Nampak gemuk. But, sokay lah. Baju sekolah kan. Ke memang gemuk?
Tokoh Kepimpinan sebelah.
Gambar paling suka sbb Abah paling susah nak ambil gambar.
That nama , omg im crying. Kenapa binnnnnn???
Tahniah to myself for having a lot of bad pictures.
Congrats dik.. mesti parents bangga sgt dgn adik..
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih 😊 Alhamdulillah